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Surround yourself with people who are only going to lift you higher.

Build Your Network | Grow Your Business | Have Fun

Join us for a Thursday networking breakfast. Just submit the form or call 925-338-9981.  

I Will Attend A Thursday Breakfast Meeting

Thank you. We look forward to meeting you.

Meetings are on Thursday at 7am at Vic's All Star Cafe,
201 Main St A, Pleasanton, CA 94566

Here are a few of the benefits of attending
a Tri-Valley Execs Thursday breakfast:

1) You get to meet other local businesses.
2) You are attending a meeting filled
with business owners that help each other network.

3) You are given time to talk about your business at the beginning of the meeting.

4) You'll make connections with other local business owners that often become good power partners.

5) You'll leave full from breakfast with new connections to help you succeed in 2023.

Referrals Are Trusted Sources

People prefer to do business with people they know and trust.

The bigger your network, the more trust and goodwill you can build. At our weekly meetings you can see the power a strong network provides to members. Building relationships, passing out referrals, and working to help each other grow businesses is what we come together to do every Thursday morning.. Our members also get to know each other beyond our weekly, one-hour

get-togethers. Meeting for a cup of coffee or visiting someone's place of work helps members develop a true understanding of what a great referral is for others in the group. This helps build lifetime bonds.

TVEA Meeting
TVEA Meeting

Weekly Opportunities

Through weekly breakfast meetings, members build relationships on a personal level and exchange new information and leads gathered during the week. Every member becomes a “lead producer” that increases your sales force without increasing your sales staff.

Individual presentations provide detailed information to the group to help them recognize potential leads and refer qualified prospects to each other. 

TVEA Meeting

The best way to get something

done is to begin.

Today only happens once,

make it amazing.

Contact Us

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© 2023 Tri-Valley Execs Association.  Website design by Wrecking Ball, Inc.

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